Firing Temperature: Cone 018 - 017
Firing time: 6 hours
Application instructions: Soak decal face up in flat bowl of water for a couple minutes, Once un-curled remove decal, Lay decal onto your object then use soft rubber or cotton scraper to smooth and drive out any air bubbles. Let dry for least 4 hours and fire.
Are your overglaze decals food safe?
Do I overlay before the first glaze firing or is this overlaid after my piece has already come out of the glaze fire. In other words is step 1. bisque, step 2. glaze and fire, step 3- ? add overlay and fire a third time?
Are your overglaze decals food safe?
Do you put clear glaze in top of it?
The poppies over glazed that I ordered did not come out good after firing to cone 018. There were gaps and some areas were burned off.
do you make custom overglaze decals ?
Cathy Cosby
August 28, 2024
Are the overglaze decals microwave and dishwasher safe? I know that the gold luster ones are not. I am looking at the full color sunflower decals.
Thank you!